BUCHNER, Act 1: Scene 1

Ahhh! I have been resurrected to a strange and foreign world! Where my plays are suddenly studied and revered among thespians!

How odd, I never saw a single production of my plays in my time. Infact I never even got to complete the third one… Goddamn typhus.

However, this group of spritely young things graciously intend on reviving and exploring my life and works.

And you can hear all about it on this blog contraption. Do enjoy!

“You’re dreaming. They never had guts without me, and they won’t have any against me. The revolution’s not over yet. They might still need me. I’m their big gun – they’ll keep me in reserve.” Danton: Act 1, Scene 5, Danton’s Death (1835)

-Georg x

5 thoughts on “BUCHNER, Act 1: Scene 1

  1. Firstly, congratulations for taking on not one but THREE of Buchner’s plays and succeding to tell their stories.
    Having read your section on props and staging – I have to say, from an audiences perspective, it was definately worth the effort to obtain the fireplace. It looked fantasic, as did your whole set and clearly you had done your research thoroughly. I particularly liked the “prison bars” used, combined with the lighting effects they were incredibly foreboding and effective.
    It is a shame that we won’t get to see this piece developed further as I’m sure it could only get more interesting and visually stunning.


    • Thank you! I think we were surprised that we managed to pull it off haha. Oh I forgot to mention the bars… they were also borrowed, I have ultimate faith in the motto beg, borrow, (maybe not so much the steal part) when at university. Knowing that there is another props store within the university, it stuns me that such departments aren’t in closer contact. The bars were made for a T.V. show in the media department years ago and they are re-used and recycled all the time, it was a bit of a pain carrying them round, (we had to wait at the train barriers and we were even stopped by a security guard who thought we’d stolen them from somewhere lol) but well worth it for the surreal feel of the Danton’s Death dream scene.


  2. Just wanted to leave a quick congratulations on your performance guys. I was very impressed by the whole thing. When the groups were formed I was curious to how your group would be able to do one of Buchners plays, been as though there are only four of them. But I love the fact that you decided to create a performance on his life and tried to find links between his life and his plays and what may have influenced him.
    It is a shame you won’t be continuing the piece onto theatre Company with the rest of us, as it would have been exciting to see where you may have taken it.

    Being joint students as well, it did come across that you had other talents, for example the dance piece for Leonce and Lena. This was a very innovative idea – to express the play through dance and again, I would have loved to be able to see this all in full.


  3. Good Afternoon Buchner Group!

    I must say…Your blog looks fab! Really well structured, clean and well presented. You have all done a great job! Your blog had inspired me to have a re-jig of ours =)

    Keep up the good work!

    Amie x

  4. Ashton Rains


    First of all – well done on creating such a beautiful blog! I’ve really enjoyed reading it, and loved your ‘rehearsal diary’.
    Keep up the good work guys, you’re doing an excellent job so far!

    Good luck with the rest of your ‘blogging’ and I am looking forward to more updates!

    Ashton, x

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